Insights, news and views from the team.
October 29, 2020


How Chain SMS improves working life in primary care practices


Issues surrounding staff morale are common in the medical community, particularly among GPs who endure higher burnout rates compared to doctors in other specialties. According to a recent survey conducted by Mind (a national mental health charity in England and Wales), roughly 40% of GPs have experienced work-related mental health conditions (such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and PTSD). This figure is not surprising, especially since the GP workforce has dropped by 4% over the past two years while patient demand continues to rise. Clunky technology and tedious processes do not help the situation, and can cause staff to feel that they lack the tools to effectively do their jobs…

But when employees have the resources to efficiently complete their tasks, they are more likely to be happier in their jobs and more committed to their team, their employer, and their patients. Practices are reporting that they’ve saved loads of time since rolling out Chain SMS, which has led to happier and more efficient workplaces. This time saved was previously spent on small tasks, such phoning patients and/or writing, printing and mailing them letters. Now, staff can message patients directly. GPs are also using the software to text patients advice and links to NHS leaflets, saving time at the end of an appointment or phone call. Since the messages are automatically added to the patient’s record in EMIS, Chain also spares staff from having to manually complete this step. One user commented on this newfound productivity, stating,

“I can empty my EMIS inbox quicker, I can tick off tasks on my to do list faster. I am more in control.”  

The time that Chain SMS saves each practice varies, but on average the software saves practices 37 minutes  per day. One practice reported that Chain SMS has saved each team member up to 84 minutes per day. Practices have found that this extra time enables staff to direct their energy towards improving their practice and being more proactive with patients. It makes our day when our users say,

“accuRx has generated the biggest change to my working practice in the last 5 years.”

Users are also reporting that Chain SMS has helped to create a more optimistic workplace. One practice shared,

“We are in [Chain] heaven here – every PC is set up and the girls have hammered through 100 tasks this morning alone – morale has rocketed!”

Improved staff morale can have a huge impact on clinical productivity and employee retention, ultimately creating a better environment for staff and patients.

Chain takes less than two minutes to install! You can just download it to try out or you can install for everyone at your practice. You can find a guide to installing here.