Protecting patient data.

Every day, NHS patients and healthcare professionals trust Accurx with very sensitive data. This brings an incredible responsibility - and one we don’t take lightly.
Whether you’re a frontline clinician or thinking of commissioning our software in your service, below you can find out what data we process, why we process it and how it's used.
Mobile phone made to look like padlock, with fingerprint, patient info card and separate padlock around it.

Some of the systems we integrate with...

How we protect your data

We never sell your data -
we never have and we never will.

We  encrypt data in an extremely secure data centre.

We have robust identity controls, so  only verified NHS professionals can access your data.

We only partner with safe and secure partners, who meet our high security standards.

We train all staff in data security from week one onwards.

We follow the NHS code of conduct for data driven technology.

Accurx has made my job a lot easier and provided a safe and effective way to communicate regularly with our service users.

Ashley, Health & Wellbeing Coach, Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Frequently asked questions

Accurx has a commitment to every patient whose data we store to keep it safe and secure. To find out more about how we use your data, take a look at the frequently asked questions below.

How do I know that Accurx is safe for my service to use?
Where does Accurx fit in?
How are we 'IG compliant'?
How do we keep data secure?
Are we Cyber Essentials certified?
What data do we process?
How do we send text messages?
Does the UK GDPR require explicit patient consent to send SMS messages to patients?
How can patients opt out?
How do we ensure that the right person gets the message?
What does it mean to ‘surface’ appointment data? Is this safe?

Find out more about security and privacy

Here, you can see all the key documents about Accurx and what we do with data.

Our information governance documents set out the promises we make about data, the agreements we have in place, and how we comply with the relevant laws and NHS rules and guidance.

Our security credentials show how we keep those promises, keep our systems secure, and keep your data safe.

Policies and Agreements

Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs)

When using Accurx, it is up to the data controller (your organisation) to complete a DPIA. As a data processor, we cannot complete it for you. However, to be as helpful as we can, we have filled in the key parts of DPIA Templates for:


You can find more detailed information and support articles about the way we use data in our software in our dedicated support centre.

And articles about features of: