Accurx Privacy Policy for NHS App

Who are we?

We are Accurx Limited. We provide software to enable health and social care teams to communicate with each other and with patients. Our company details and our registration with the UK’s Data Protection Regulator (the ICO) can be found here.

Data Processor & Data Controller

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), different entities have different responsibilities when it comes to processing data:

  • The Data Subject - whoever the data is about
  • The Data Controller - determines how and why the data is processed; they usually are the entity the Data Subject trusts with their information
  • The Data Processor - processes data on behalf of and strictly based on the instructions of the Controller 

In this situation you are the Data Subject. The Trust you have a relationship with is the Data Controller for the information regarding your appointments. The NHS is the Data Controller for the NHS login process we use to securely verify your identity. Accurx acts based on the instructions of both the Trust and The NHS, as the Data Processor.

Accurx Privacy Policy

For more information on how we use your data as a Data Processor, please see our Privacy Policy.

NHS Privacy Policy

For more information on how the NHS manages your data as a Data Controller, please see their Privacy Policy.

Trust Privacy Policy

For more information on how the Trust uses your data as a Data Controller, please see the relevant Trust’s Privacy Policy linked below.